Print and Apply Machines by Skanem India (1920 × 450 px) (2)

Print & Apply Machines

Print & Apply Machines are designed specifically to apply labels on cartons with variable printing options

Print & Apply Machines ensure high application of up to 25 cartons per minute depending on the size and length of the labels.

Standard Features

  • Suitable for front face labelling and ‘L’ type labelling (front and leading surface)
  • 3 level password protection
  • Colour touch screen for easy accessibility
  • Air pressure interlock


Optional Features

  • Label roll end alarm
  • Interlock for upstream machine ready
  • Vision system for wrong barcode/unclear barcode
  • Rejection system for ‘NOT OK’ cartons
  • Safety cabinet with interlocks
  • Electrical panel door interlock

Looking for a customised labelling machine?

When you ask us to customize a labelling machine just for you and your product, we look at every aspect that influences the labelling machine's performance, efficiency and lifespan. We consider for example the containers, application process and materials, segment-specific trends, regulatory compliance, production details, adhesives and more. We ensure smooth production of labels that are good for your business, your products and the environment.

If you have any questions just leave us a message and one of our label experts will get in touch with you.